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Have More Sex Make More Money

Have More Sex Make More Money

Money can’t buy you love, but a new study suggests lovemaking can earn you money – and not just if you’re employed in the red light district.

Money can’t buy you love, but a new study suggests lovemaking can earn you money — and not just if you’re employed in the red light district.

Watch Quentin Fottrell and couples psychotherapist Dr. Fran Walfish with the details. (Sorry about the ads at the beginning!!)

According to a new study published by the Institute for the Study of Labor in Bonn, employees that have sex more than four times a week receive 5% higher income. On the other hand, those who don’t have any sexual activity earn 3% less in wages than the others.

Why and how does sex earn you money?

Those who are more sexually active may simply be “in better shape” emotionally and physically, which could make more productive and creative employees especially that medical and psychological literature suggest that sexual activity is associated with good health, endurance, mental well-being, mental capacities and dietary habits.

Experts say, sexually active people may exhibit more attributes that are prized in the workplace. Both sexual activity and higher wages convey a feeling of higher self-esteem and self-confidence, which attracts more sexual partners and more work opportunities

Moreover, some psychotherapists say that the more success the individual experiences, the higher his libido rises meaning that the more you earn money, the more you’re interested in having a partner and sexual relations. However, some men whose incomes have dramatically decreased because of the poor economy have reported a significant decrease in their sexual desire and sexual activity which means that this “connection” between sex and money works both ways; it might be positive for some and negative for others.

Fancy testing the theory out? We’d love to know how you get on….:)