Uncategorized Share Tweet You and Your Money is pleased to announce that we are joining the Yakezie challenge from today. What is Yakezie challenge? The Yakezie is the web’s largest personal finance and lifestyle blog network. Started in December of 2009, it has since grown to become a thriving community eager to help others and help each other. Yakezie is a network of personal finance and lifestyle related blogs. This challenge is for 6 months and is open for all bloggers irrespective of being a newbie or old who wants to increase their blog presence. We try to cross the Alexa hurdles in 3 steps like 200,000, 100,000 or 50,000 ranking based on where your blog rank starts when you accept this challenge. You need to show your commitment and persistence in this blogosphere and if you are successful in this challenge you will be graduated from challenger to a full fledged member of Yakezie network. It is more about hard work and building relationships which can make your site grow like anything. We will be taking this challenge very seriously and with our full commitment would like to win this challenge and become a member of Yakezie network. I would like to sincerely thank all my fellow bloggers for their wonderful support and encouragement.