Budgeting Finance Money Share Tweet Christmas has snook upon us once again, and suddenly it’s time to worry about buying gifts, finding stocking stuffers, putting the decorations up, and getting in enough food to feed a small army. But, while Christmas can be a time of excitement, it can also get quite costly. So, what are your options for stress-free Christmas shopping? Channel your inner Scrooge Boring. No one wants to be a Scrooge at Christmas. Save, save, save! While this would have been good advice back in July, it doesn’t offer much help now. With only a few weeks left until Christmas, you would be better off starting your savings plans now for next Christmas!! Credit Card Tips Get a Credit Card While no one suggests getting into debt over a holiday is a good idea, if you use your credit card wisely, it could help you to save some money over the festive period. There is a heap of interest–free credit cards out there with interest-free or balance transfer credit cards, all of which could really make a difference to your Christmas spending. While most credit cards offer an interest–free period on purchases up to a certain number of days. Getting a credit card with a 0% six-month purchase offer means you will pay no interest on your credit card spending for the first six months of having the card. This can allow you to do all the Christmas shopping you were going to do anyway, but you can save on interest. As long as you spend wisely, and pay off your debt before the introductory purchase offer ends, you can enjoy Christmas interest-free! Obviously, this comes with a caution. If you have a tendency to overspend, then a new credit card will probably not help. However, if you can budget, then it can be a great way to pay for Christmas. You could use it to buy the Best Christmas Present Ever. You could use it to fund a family Christmas party. You could head to colder climes and have yourself a White Christmas. Whatever you choose to do at Christmas, the right credit card could help. Here’s how to get it right: Read the terms and conditions on the credit card, Find out the card’s interest rate, Create a budget, and try not to overspend just because you have credit available, Decide how much you are going to pay back each month – and stick to it, Set reminders on your phone so you know how long you have until the introductory offer ends, Pay off the debt before the offer ends, Don’t go overboard – remember, Christmas isn’t all about spending money!