Budgeting Money Share Tweet The new NSW Toll Relief scheme is the NSW Government’s new scheme which is designed to reduce the cost of living for Sydney motorists. Toll Relief Rebate 2023 The new Toll Rebate Scheme for Toll expenditure between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023. Starting from the 2022-23 financial year, eligible motorists who spend more than $375 a year on tolls, will receive a 40% rebate. Motorists can claim once a quarter, up to $750 for the financial year. Under the new relief scheme, you have until June 30 2024 to claim for any tolls spent in the 2023-2024 financial year. The rebates would provide a boost to household budgets, while the government expects half a million drivers across New South Wales to be eligible for the new rebate scheme. Toll Relief 2022 For Toll expenses between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022, you can still claim your free or half-price registration. It’s available until 30 June 2023 if you meet the eligibility requirements. Drivers who have spent $1406 or more on Sydney’s toll roads in the previous financial year 20/21 (an average of $27 a week) are eligible for free vehicle registration. NSW motorists who’ve spent $843 or more during the previous financial year 20/21 (an average of $16 a week), will be eligible for half-price registration. The Toll Relief scheme does not include tolls paid: on vehicles registered for any use other than private on the M5 South-West by drivers opted into the M5 South-West Cashback Scheme on heavy vehicles Claim your Toll Relief Rebate Eligible NSW motorists who spend more than $375 a year on tolls can claim a 40% rebate. You can claim: once a quarter up to $750 for the financial year up to one year after the financial year ends (the rebate owing will accrue Eligibility To claim, you need to: be a NSW resident spend $375 or more on eligible NSW toll roads in a financial year have an NSW personal toll account (E-Toll or Transurban Linkt) – if you’ve moved from interstate, check with your toll provider that you now have an NSW personal account suitable for Toll Relief have already paid for the tolls have accrued the tolls on a vehicle that’s registered in NSW, and is below 2794kgs TARE weight have travelled on an eligible NSW toll road claim within one year of the financial year end in which you paid the tolls have not already received: a rebate in the quarter for which you’re claiming the maximum rebate in the financial year for which you’re claiming. Eligible motorists can register through their My Service NSW account to receive the money. Toll Relief Rebate Scheme for sole traders If you’re a sole trader with a personal and/or business toll account, you may be eligible to claim an additional toll relief rebate. Sole Trader Eligibility Eligible sole traders with personal and/or business toll accounts can claim an additional rebate of up to $750, up to a total of $1,500, if they: spend $375 or more on eligible tolls in a financial year are an NSW resident have an Australian Business Number (ABN) that: is registered in NSW is physically located and operating in NSW has been active since the start of the current financial year shows they are a sole trader/individual have an NSW personal toll account or an NSW business toll account with an ABN are registered with the Australian Business Register as the associate for the ABN are not a ridesharing or taxi business. Toll Relief Rebate Scheme for sole traders How the sole trader toll relief rebate is calculated If you’re a sole trader, the rebate will be calculated on the total spend of eligible vehicles linked to one or 2 toll accounts in the financial year. As a sole trader, you can link your Service NSW Account to two toll accounts. NSW Toll Relief Eligible Tolls Tolls paid on the following roads count towards your total toll spend: M5 South-West (unless you claim for the M5 South-West Cashback Scheme) Westlink M7 Hills M2 NorthConnex WestConnex Sydney Harbour Bridge Sydney Harbour Tunnel Lane Cove Tunnel Eastern Distributor Cross City Tunnel Military Road E-Ramp (Falcon Street off-ramp of the Warringah Freeway) Toll Tracker Toll Tracker is an online service that helps NSW motorists manage their toll spend and see when they’re able to claim toll relief. The toll tracker shows: how much you’ve spent on tolls during the financial year when your spending on tolls makes you eligible to claim the toll relief rebate any rebates already claimed. To use Toll Tracker, you need to link your service NSW account. For more information about NSW government Toll Relief Rebate Scheme and to learn more about eligibility, go to Service NSW website.