Is Pet Insurance Worth The Money?

Is pet insurance worth the money?

Is pet insurance worth the money? Some people spend a fortune on pet insurance each year while others need to think twice about the cost of insuring their pet.

Which camp do you fit into? Do you think pet insurance is worth the money? In some of the articles below some others discuss the same issue and offer advice.


Is Pet Insurance Worth the Money? – Better Business Bureau (blog)

Is Pet Insurance Worth the Money?Better Business Bureau (blog)Standard pet insurance is similar to human health insurance in many ways. It is provided by a third party and can be used either at any vet or one within a participating network of provide …

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My seven tips for buying pet insurance – seven tips for buying pet fees can be daunting. For example Saga Pet Insurance says it sees claims for an animal’s hernia operation costing up to £2,000. The same insurer cites arthritis, tumour, c …

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Morris: Should you get pet insurance? – San Jose Mercury News

Morris: Should you get pet insurance?San Jose Mercury NewsDEAR JOAN: We would like to know if pet insurance is a good thing to have, and if so, what are a couple of reputable companies. Our adorable cat passed away of old age a couple of years ago, a …

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