Save Money With Rechargeable Batteries

Are rechargeable batteries really worth it?

Do you feel like you go through an awful lot of batteries every month? Most of us do! This is especially true if you have children with toys that can use up disposable batteries on an almost daily basis.

save money with rechargeable batteries

No doubt you’ve seen rechargeable batteries in the store, but you’re not quite sure if rechargeables are worth the additional upfront outlay. And the answer is a resounding yes, they are, it is worth making a switch to rechargeable batteries!

When should I use rechargeable batteries?

Rechargeable batteries are best used for products that are used frequently and for long periods of time, such as remote controls, digital cameras, portable gaming systems, and other electronic devices. They can also be useful for items that require a lot of power or have large capacity needs, such as flashlights or electric toys.

Disposable batteries are suitable for low-drain devices such as wall clocks, smoke detectors and remote controls.


Let’s look at more common questions about rechargeable batteries.



Q: How many times can the batteries recharge?


A: It will vary with the type of battery, for example, NiMH vs. Alkaline, but the batteries can recharge hundreds of times. Some can even be recharged over 1,000 times.


Q: What’s the difference between the various types of rechargeable batteries?


A:   There are 3 major types of rechargeable batteries:


  • Alkaline – Some alkaline batteries can be recharged, but the most common types cannot be. They do not do well in high-output applications such as digital cameras.
  • NiMH – These are the most common and have the benefit of delivering high power quickly (great for digital cameras) and can be recharged approximately 1,000 times.
  • NiCad – Not recommended due to toxicity issues. Cadmium is highly toxic to all forms of life.


Q: Can I mix non-rechargeable batteries with rechargeable batteries in the same device?


A: You’ll receive the best possible performance by using batteries of the same type and capacity within a given battery-powered device. The capacity can be found on the label – it is designated as mAh (milliamp hours).


Q: How much money can I really save by purchasing rechargeable batteries?


A: Let’s use an example with an AA battery:

  • Cost of alkaline AA disposable battery (non-rechargeable):             $0.50
  • Cost of AA NiMH rechargeable battery:             $2.50
  • # of recharges for NiMH             1,000
  • Battery recharger             $15.00
  • Money saved over the life of the rechargeable aa battery’s – almost $500 versus disposable batteries!


Those 1,000 charges would provide the same battery power as 1,000 alkaline aa batteries at 50 cents each. That’s $500 compared to $2.50 for the rechargeable battery.


When you look at how much rechargeable batteries can save, you would need to spend about $15.00 (an initial cost) to buy a charger. There is also the additional cost of electricity to recharge the batteries (much less than 1 cent per battery!).


The batteries for all the gadgets in your home can really get expensive over time. But if you’re willing to shell out $15 or so for a charger and pay a little more upfront for your batteries, rechargeable batteries can really save a ton of money over the long haul.

Once you have a supply of rechargeable batteries for all your needs, the savings and convenience of simply switching out recharged batteries, instead of running to the shop for more single-use batteries just can’t be beaten.


Go splurge on some rechargeable batteries!


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