Budgeting Home Money Share Tweet Looking to make some extra cash? Well there are a number of ways to bulk up your income and find some extra cash. Renting out a room or your house via Airbnb, taking in students or direct sales is one of the latest ways to increase your income. The popularity of Airbnb has soared in recent years, attracting young or less well-off travellers to places they might not usually be able to afford. Cash in the attic Cash in the attic It might be worth checking to see what you’ve got hidden away in your attic, and if it’s got a value then you should be careful exactly how you sell it online. Londoner Craig Stevens sold half of his life-long Star Wars figure collection for the equivalent of €50,000 recently, and expects to make even more when he sells the remainder. If you are looking to sell unwanted goods, there is something to be said about the well-recognised sites of eBay and Gumtree and the large market of buyers they attract. A number of factors can influence how much you can make, including choosing which items will sell, doing some research to get the pricing right, and listing an advert that stands out from the crowd.