Insurance Money Share Tweet Deciding between various health insurance plans is never easy, since you typically have so many different options available. Just reading through the various health insurance policies can be an intimidating task. There is no right answer to the best health insurance plan, since all plans must meet the requirements of the individual. Even so, some questions can assist you to determine the plan that is best for you. First, are you going to require a health insurance plan that offers long term coverage or just something for a few months? If you are between jobs, opt for short term coverage. If you have no expectations of receiving group health insurance coverage through an employer, however, you may appreciate the stability and increased benefits offered by an individual and family health insurance plan that offers longer term coverage. Insurance Money Saving Tips Next, ask yourself if you are looking for basic coverage, or something more comprehensive. Some health insurance plans offer basic coverage, such as hospitalization and outpatient surgery coverage, in case of a major accident or illness. Other plans are much more complete with coverage for things like physician services, routine office visits, or preventative care, but have a higher monthly premium. It’s also crucial to think about whether you want to pay for services before you use them or only when you use them. Generally the higher the monthly premium that you pay for your health insurance plan, the less you will pay per doctor’s visit in co-payments and deductibles. If you don’t expect to be making frequent use of your health insurance plan, a higher deductible plan with a lower monthly premium may accommodate you better. Lastly, keep in note what is the most you would pay in case of a serious illness or injury. Health insurance plans typically place boundaries or limits on how much a member is required to pay out per year out of his own pocket for his or her healthcare. This limit is often referred to as an out-of-pocket maximum. Once you’ve contributed this maximum amount toward your healthcare, the health insurance company normally covers all other costs for the remainder of the benefit year. If you are worried about what may happen to you in case of a serious illness or injury, you might want to pay special attention to the out-of-pocket maximums for the health insurance plans you are considering.